Sunday, September 5, 2010

Josh and Jeremy's Game: August 30th

Jeremy and I played this game last week on KGS.  I played a bad opening, but some mid-game fighting helped to close the gap.


  1. It seems that if black connects at J14 for move 167, there's a good chance of killing white in the center.

    Two big mistakes for white: w120 should be at Q7; it's sente and defends the right side group. 136 should be at M8--careless of me.

    Really exciting game, though. Hope to play another soon!

  2. As for 167 -- I was a little worried about the black group on the right.

    Yeah -- Q7 would have been awesome for you. M8 earlier would have certainly made another eye. After that, it's basically over for me since you have the huge advantage in points.
